Thursday, September 11, 2008

in remembrance


I write because I would like to live forever.

Reginald Shepherd, 1963-2008


My cousin, Mark, died last week at the age of 47. His age alone would make this loss tragic, but what made it profound was that he had a good spirit that reached farther than his body, trapped within cerebral palsy, ever could. Now the world loses this 45-year-old poet, whose words reach farther than his too-few years. Both will be missed by many.

(To read a poem, "You, Therefore," by Reginald Shepherd, go here. To go to his blog, click on the photograph.)



Anonymous said...

Sara: So sorry for your recent loss. Thinking of you and yours, with all love, N

? said...

I'm glad I found this blog. I am currently reading one of your favourite books, master and margarita and liking it! Did you enjoy it?

? said...

Sorry to read this

Arlene said...

my condolences, sara — i feel your loss. thank you for sharing reginald sheperd's poetry. it's beautiful! i'm getting his books.

hope you're doing well.

i just tagged you with the zombie haiku into revealing 6 unspectacular things about yourself — in case you'd like to join the game.


Sara Kearns said...

nic and arlene, thank you so much. i'm sorry i'm somehow so late with this reply. i didn't check my blog at all for a while, and i just noticed the comments, for which i'm so grateful. thank you thank you and thank you again.

and arlene, i will respond to the meme tag asap. a zombie haiku - what fun! i just checked out your list and it was great! :)

red eyes, thanks for your comments as well, and welcome to my blog. i'd be interested to hear what you thought of "the master and margharita." it is indeed one of my favorite books.
