Wednesday, July 02, 2008



I'm so stealing this from Tim Keane's blog. (It's a good post; check it out here.) But he's a good egg, so I'm hoping he doesn't mind. Besides, as writers of course we know what great writers are doing while merely good writers are borrowing.




Anonymous said...

nice steal Sara: I'd sue ya' but then unlike me at least you credited the source. good cartoon. but those language philosophers give headaches. hope your poetry's going well...-T.

Sara Kearns said...

yeah, and unfortunately for both of us, i'm damage proof: i think my net worth is something like $217, so i'm so not worth a lawsuit. but some day when i've won my pulitzer, and i have a cushy tenured professorship somewhere, and i make more than billy collins on the tour circuit....

Anonymous said...

ah, yeah well then I'll wait till you're a poet earning 6-figures and then I'll sue ...